A data frame containing 26 variables with 767 observations.
An object of class data.frame
with 767 rows and 26 columns.
The dataset is provided by Jörg Henseler.
The data contains variables about the consumers’ intention to switch a service provider. It is also used in Henseler (2021) for demonstration purposes, see the corresponding tutorial.
Henseler J (2021). Composite-Based Structural Equation Modeling: Analyzing Latent and Emergent Variables. Guilford Press, New York.
# Example is taken from Henseler (2021)
model_Int <-"
# Measurement models
INV =~ INV1 + INV2 + INV3 +INV4
SAT =~ SAT1 + SAT2 + SAT3
INT =~ INT1 + INT2
# Structural model containing an interaction term.
out <- csem(.data = Switching, .model = model_Int,
.PLS_weight_scheme_inner = 'factorial',
.tolerance = 1e-06)