All functions |
Data: Anime |
Data: Benitezetal2020 |
Data: BergamiBagozzi2000 |
Data: ITFlex |
Data: LancelotMiltgenetal2016 |
Data: political democracy |
Data: Russett |
Data: SQ |
Data: Summers |
Data: Switching |
Data: Yooetal2000 |
Show argument defaults or candidates |
Assess model |
Average variance extracted (AVE) |
Degrees of freedom |
Fornell-Larcker criterion |
Goodness of Fit (GoF) |
Model selection criteria |
Relative Goodness of Fit (relative GoF) |
Calculate variance inflation factors (VIF) for weights obtained by PLS Mode B |
Calculate composite weights using GSCA |
Calculate weights using GSCAm |
Calculate composite weights using GCCA |
Calculate composite weights using principal component analysis (PCA) |
Calculate composite weights using PLS-PM |
Calculate composite weights using unit weights |
Calculate Cohen's f^2 |
Composite-based SEM |
Data: Second order common factor of composites |
Calculate difference between S and Sigma_hat |
Do an importance-performance matrix analysis |
Do a nonlinear effects analysis |
Do a redundancy analysis |
Export to Excel (.xlsx) |
Model-implied indicator or construct variance-covariance matrix |
Model fit measures |
Get construct scores |
Inference |
Parse lavaan model |
Predict indicator scores |
Reliability |
Resample data |
Resample cSEMResults |
Data: satisfaction |
Data: satisfaction including gender |
savePlot |
Summarize model |
Perform a Cross-Validated Predictive Ability Test (CVPAT) |
Regression-based Hausman test |
Tests for multi-group comparisons |
Test measurement invariance of composites |
Test for overall model fit |
Data: threecommonfactors |
Verify admissibility |