A data frame with 250 observations and 28 variables.
Variables from 1 to 27 refer to six latent concepts: IMAG
=Expectations, QUAL
=Quality, VAL
=Satisfaction, and LOY
Indicators attached to concept IMAG
which is supposed to
capture aspects such as the institutions reputation,
trustworthiness, seriousness, solidness, and caring
about customer.
Indicators attached to concept EXPE
which is supposed to
capture aspects concerning products and
services provided, customer service, providing solutions,
and expectations for the overall quality.
Indicators attached to concept QUAL
which is supposed to
capture aspects concerning reliability of products and services,
the range of products and services, personal advice,
and overall perceived quality.
Indicators attached to concept VAL
which is supposed to
capture aspects related to beneficial services and
products, valuable investments, quality relative to
price, and price relative to quality.
Indicators attached to concept SAT
which is supposed to
capture aspects concerning overall rating of satisfaction,
fulfillment of expectations, satisfaction relative to
other banks, and performance relative to customer's
ideal bank.
Indicators attached to concept LOY
which is supposed to
capture aspects concerning propensity to choose the
same bank again, propensity to switch to other bank,
intention to recommend the bank to friends,
and the sense of loyalty.
The sex of the respondent.
An object of class data.frame
with 250 rows and 28 columns.
The plspm package (version 0.4.9). Original source according to plspm: "Laboratory of Information Analysis and Modeling (LIAM). Facultat d'Informatica de Barcelona, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya".
This data set contains the variables from a customer satisfaction study of
a Spanish credit institution on 250 customers. The data is taken from the
plspm package. For convenience,
there is a version of the dataset with the last column (gender
) removed: satisfaction.