.object = NULL,
.alpha = 0.05,
.ci = NULL,
An R object of class cSEMResults resulting from a call to csem()
An integer or a numeric vector of significance levels.
Defaults to 0.05
A vector of character strings naming the confidence interval to compute.
For possible choices see infer()
Further arguments to summarize()
. Currently ignored.
An object of class cSEMSummarize
. A cSEMSummarize
object has
the same structure as the cSEMResults object with a couple differences:
Elements $Path_estimates
, $Loadings_estimates
, $Weight_estimates
, and $Residual_correlation
are standardized data frames instead of matrices.
Data frames $Effect_estimates
, $Indicator_correlation
, and
are added to $Estimates
The data frame format is usually much more convenient if users intend to present the results in e.g., a paper or a presentation.
The summary is mainly focused on estimated parameters. For quality criteria
such as the average variance extracted (AVE), reliability estimates,
effect size estimates etc., use assess()
If .object
contains resamples, standard errors, t-values and p-values
(assuming estimates are standard normally distributed) are printed as well.
By default the percentile confidence interval is given as well. For other
confidence intervals use the .ci
argument. See infer()
for possible choices
and a description.
## Take a look at the dataset
## Specify the (correct) model
model <- "
# Structural model
eta2 ~ eta1
eta3 ~ eta1 + eta2
# (Reflective) measurement model
eta1 =~ y11 + y12 + y13
eta2 =~ y21 + y22 + y23
eta3 =~ y31 + y32 + y33
## Estimate
res <- csem(threecommonfactors, model, .resample_method = "bootstrap", .R = 40)
## Postestimation
res_summarize <- summarize(res)
#> ________________________________________________________________________________
#> ----------------------------------- Overview -----------------------------------
#> General information:
#> ------------------------
#> Estimation status = Ok
#> Number of observations = 500
#> Weight estimator = PLS-PM
#> Inner weighting scheme = "path"
#> Type of indicator correlation = Pearson
#> Path model estimator = OLS
#> Second-order approach = NA
#> Type of path model = Linear
#> Disattenuated = Yes (PLSc)
#> Resample information:
#> ---------------------
#> Resample method = "bootstrap"
#> Number of resamples = 40
#> Number of admissible results = 40
#> Approach to handle inadmissibles = "drop"
#> Sign change option = "none"
#> Random seed = 860834401
#> Construct details:
#> ------------------
#> Name Modeled as Order Mode
#> eta1 Common factor First order "modeA"
#> eta2 Common factor First order "modeA"
#> eta3 Common factor First order "modeA"
#> ----------------------------------- Estimates ----------------------------------
#> Estimated path coefficients:
#> ============================
#> CI_percentile
#> Path Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 95%
#> eta2 ~ eta1 0.6713 0.0447 15.0223 0.0000 [ 0.5816; 0.7408 ]
#> eta3 ~ eta1 0.4585 0.0770 5.9543 0.0000 [ 0.2588; 0.5734 ]
#> eta3 ~ eta2 0.3052 0.0813 3.7535 0.0002 [ 0.1699; 0.4904 ]
#> Estimated loadings:
#> ===================
#> CI_percentile
#> Loading Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 95%
#> eta1 =~ y11 0.6631 0.0439 15.1190 0.0000 [ 0.5675; 0.7329 ]
#> eta1 =~ y12 0.6493 0.0342 18.9748 0.0000 [ 0.5874; 0.7096 ]
#> eta1 =~ y13 0.7613 0.0319 23.8455 0.0000 [ 0.7027; 0.8181 ]
#> eta2 =~ y21 0.5165 0.0504 10.2472 0.0000 [ 0.4091; 0.5958 ]
#> eta2 =~ y22 0.7554 0.0356 21.2253 0.0000 [ 0.6926; 0.8012 ]
#> eta2 =~ y23 0.7997 0.0403 19.8542 0.0000 [ 0.7175; 0.8597 ]
#> eta3 =~ y31 0.8223 0.0337 24.4282 0.0000 [ 0.7536; 0.8783 ]
#> eta3 =~ y32 0.6581 0.0370 17.7660 0.0000 [ 0.5798; 0.7365 ]
#> eta3 =~ y33 0.7474 0.0388 19.2552 0.0000 [ 0.6889; 0.8364 ]
#> Estimated weights:
#> ==================
#> CI_percentile
#> Weight Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 95%
#> eta1 <~ y11 0.3956 0.0214 18.5149 0.0000 [ 0.3533; 0.4241 ]
#> eta1 <~ y12 0.3873 0.0197 19.6226 0.0000 [ 0.3542; 0.4241 ]
#> eta1 <~ y13 0.4542 0.0204 22.2745 0.0000 [ 0.4163; 0.4915 ]
#> eta2 <~ y21 0.3058 0.0250 12.2441 0.0000 [ 0.2536; 0.3521 ]
#> eta2 <~ y22 0.4473 0.0252 17.7724 0.0000 [ 0.4053; 0.4942 ]
#> eta2 <~ y23 0.4735 0.0194 24.3837 0.0000 [ 0.4315; 0.4991 ]
#> eta3 <~ y31 0.4400 0.0144 30.5371 0.0000 [ 0.4024; 0.4607 ]
#> eta3 <~ y32 0.3521 0.0196 17.9625 0.0000 [ 0.3191; 0.3888 ]
#> eta3 <~ y33 0.3999 0.0204 19.6043 0.0000 [ 0.3680; 0.4382 ]
#> ------------------------------------ Effects -----------------------------------
#> Estimated total effects:
#> ========================
#> CI_percentile
#> Total effect Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 95%
#> eta2 ~ eta1 0.6713 0.0447 15.0223 0.0000 [ 0.5816; 0.7408 ]
#> eta3 ~ eta1 0.6634 0.0345 19.2479 0.0000 [ 0.5942; 0.7205 ]
#> eta3 ~ eta2 0.3052 0.0813 3.7535 0.0002 [ 0.1699; 0.4904 ]
#> Estimated indirect effects:
#> ===========================
#> CI_percentile
#> Indirect effect Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 95%
#> eta3 ~ eta1 0.2049 0.0574 3.5711 0.0004 [ 0.1124; 0.3511 ]
#> ________________________________________________________________________________
# Extract e.g. the loadings
#> Name Construct_type Estimate Std_err t_stat p_value
#> 1 eta1 =~ y11 Common factor 0.6630699 0.04385671 15.11901 1.213599e-51
#> 2 eta1 =~ y12 Common factor 0.6492779 0.03421786 18.97482 2.754353e-80
#> 3 eta1 =~ y13 Common factor 0.7613458 0.03192831 23.84548 1.128167e-125
#> 4 eta2 =~ y21 Common factor 0.5164548 0.05039961 10.24720 1.218242e-24
#> 5 eta2 =~ y22 Common factor 0.7553877 0.03558910 21.22525 5.582420e-100
#> 6 eta2 =~ y23 Common factor 0.7996637 0.04027688 19.85416 1.014356e-87
#> 7 eta3 =~ y31 Common factor 0.8222773 0.03366096 24.42822 8.576530e-132
#> 8 eta3 =~ y32 Common factor 0.6580689 0.03704100 17.76596 1.296992e-70
#> 9 eta3 =~ y33 Common factor 0.7474241 0.03881679 19.25518 1.277400e-82
#> CI_percentile.95%L CI_percentile.95%U
#> 1 0.5675496 0.7329010
#> 2 0.5874376 0.7096420
#> 3 0.7026576 0.8180795
#> 4 0.4091229 0.5957726
#> 5 0.6925875 0.8011908
#> 6 0.7175093 0.8597101
#> 7 0.7536445 0.8782840
#> 8 0.5798206 0.7365363
#> 9 0.6888828 0.8364123
## By default only the 95% percentile confidence interval is printed. User
## can have several confidence interval computed, however, only the first
## will be printed.
res_summarize <- summarize(res, .ci = c("CI_standard_t", "CI_percentile"),
.alpha = c(0.05, 0.01))
#> ________________________________________________________________________________
#> ----------------------------------- Overview -----------------------------------
#> General information:
#> ------------------------
#> Estimation status = Ok
#> Number of observations = 500
#> Weight estimator = PLS-PM
#> Inner weighting scheme = "path"
#> Type of indicator correlation = Pearson
#> Path model estimator = OLS
#> Second-order approach = NA
#> Type of path model = Linear
#> Disattenuated = Yes (PLSc)
#> Resample information:
#> ---------------------
#> Resample method = "bootstrap"
#> Number of resamples = 40
#> Number of admissible results = 40
#> Approach to handle inadmissibles = "drop"
#> Sign change option = "none"
#> Random seed = 860834401
#> Construct details:
#> ------------------
#> Name Modeled as Order Mode
#> eta1 Common factor First order "modeA"
#> eta2 Common factor First order "modeA"
#> eta3 Common factor First order "modeA"
#> ----------------------------------- Estimates ----------------------------------By default, only one confidence interval supplied to `.ci` is printed.
#> Use `xxx` to print all confidence intervals (not yet implemented).
#> Estimated path coefficients:
#> ============================
#> CI_standard_t
#> Path Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 99%
#> eta2 ~ eta1 0.6713 0.0447 15.0223 0.0000 [ 0.5512; 0.7823 ]
#> eta3 ~ eta1 0.4585 0.0770 5.9543 0.0000 [ 0.2628; 0.6610 ]
#> eta3 ~ eta2 0.3052 0.0813 3.7535 0.0002 [ 0.0927; 0.5131 ]
#> Estimated loadings:
#> ===================
#> CI_standard_t
#> Loading Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 99%
#> eta1 =~ y11 0.6631 0.0439 15.1190 0.0000 [ 0.5525; 0.7793 ]
#> eta1 =~ y12 0.6493 0.0342 18.9748 0.0000 [ 0.5553; 0.7323 ]
#> eta1 =~ y13 0.7613 0.0319 23.8455 0.0000 [ 0.6830; 0.8481 ]
#> eta2 =~ y21 0.5165 0.0504 10.2472 0.0000 [ 0.3840; 0.6446 ]
#> eta2 =~ y22 0.7554 0.0356 21.2253 0.0000 [ 0.6596; 0.8436 ]
#> eta2 =~ y23 0.7997 0.0403 19.8542 0.0000 [ 0.6965; 0.9047 ]
#> eta3 =~ y31 0.8223 0.0337 24.4282 0.0000 [ 0.7508; 0.9249 ]
#> eta3 =~ y32 0.6581 0.0370 17.7660 0.0000 [ 0.5529; 0.7445 ]
#> eta3 =~ y33 0.7474 0.0388 19.2552 0.0000 [ 0.6346; 0.8353 ]
#> Estimated weights:
#> ==================
#> CI_standard_t
#> Weight Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 99%
#> eta1 <~ y11 0.3956 0.0214 18.5149 0.0000 [ 0.3419; 0.4524 ]
#> eta1 <~ y12 0.3873 0.0197 19.6226 0.0000 [ 0.3327; 0.4348 ]
#> eta1 <~ y13 0.4542 0.0204 22.2745 0.0000 [ 0.4035; 0.5089 ]
#> eta2 <~ y21 0.3058 0.0250 12.2441 0.0000 [ 0.2416; 0.3708 ]
#> eta2 <~ y22 0.4473 0.0252 17.7724 0.0000 [ 0.3816; 0.5117 ]
#> eta2 <~ y23 0.4735 0.0194 24.3837 0.0000 [ 0.4260; 0.5264 ]
#> eta3 <~ y31 0.4400 0.0144 30.5371 0.0000 [ 0.4130; 0.4875 ]
#> eta3 <~ y32 0.3521 0.0196 17.9625 0.0000 [ 0.2979; 0.3993 ]
#> eta3 <~ y33 0.3999 0.0204 19.6043 0.0000 [ 0.3422; 0.4477 ]
#> ------------------------------------ Effects -----------------------------------
#> Estimated total effects:
#> ========================
#> CI_standard_t
#> Total effect Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 99%
#> eta2 ~ eta1 0.6713 0.0447 15.0223 0.0000 [ 0.5512; 0.7823 ]
#> eta3 ~ eta1 0.6634 0.0345 19.2479 0.0000 [ 0.5744; 0.7527 ]
#> eta3 ~ eta2 0.3052 0.0813 3.7535 0.0002 [ 0.0927; 0.5131 ]
#> Estimated indirect effects:
#> ===========================
#> CI_standard_t
#> Indirect effect Estimate Std. error t-stat. p-value 99%
#> eta3 ~ eta1 0.2049 0.0574 3.5711 0.0004 [ 0.0533; 0.3500 ]
#> ________________________________________________________________________________
# Extract the loading including both confidence intervals
#> Name Construct_type Estimate Std_err t_stat p_value
#> 1 eta2 ~ eta1 Common factor 0.6713334 0.04468913 15.022297 5.245811e-51
#> 2 eta3 ~ eta1 Common factor 0.4585068 0.07700444 5.954290 2.612036e-09
#> 3 eta3 ~ eta2 Common factor 0.3051511 0.08129690 3.753539 1.743551e-04
#> CI_standard_t.99%L CI_standard_t.99%U CI_standard_t.95%L CI_standard_t.95%U
#> 1 0.55122554 0.7823325 0.5789770 0.7545811
#> 2 0.26279380 0.6610173 0.3106127 0.6131984
#> 3 0.09265566 0.5130773 0.1431401 0.4625929
#> CI_percentile.99%L CI_percentile.99%U CI_percentile.95%L CI_percentile.95%U
#> 1 0.5699809 0.7410359 0.5815656 0.7407608
#> 2 0.2421689 0.5862481 0.2587652 0.5734490
#> 3 0.1329510 0.5344433 0.1699136 0.4903864