Resample a cSEMResults object using bootstrap or jackknife resampling.
The function is called by csem()
if the user sets
csem(..., .resample_method = "bootstrap")
csem(..., .resample_method = "jackknife")
but may also be called directly.
.object = NULL,
.resample_method = c("bootstrap", "jackknife"),
.resample_method2 = c("none", "bootstrap", "jackknife"),
.R = 499,
.R2 = 199,
.handle_inadmissibles = c("drop", "ignore", "replace"),
.user_funs = NULL,
.eval_plan = c("sequential", "multicore", "multisession"),
.force = FALSE,
.seed = NULL,
.sign_change_option = c("none","individual","individual_reestimate",
An R object of class cSEMResults resulting from a call to csem()
Character string. The resampling method to use. One of: "bootstrap" or "jackknife". Defaults to "bootstrap".
Character string. The resampling method to use when resampling
from a resample. One of: "none", "bootstrap" or "jackknife". For
"bootstrap" the number of draws is provided via .R2
. Currently,
resampling from each resample is only required for the studentized confidence
interval ("CI_t_interval") computed by the infer()
function. Defaults to "none".
Integer. The number of bootstrap replications. Defaults to 499
Integer. The number of bootstrap replications to use when
resampling from a resample. Defaults to 199
Character string. How should inadmissible results
be treated? One of "drop", "ignore", or "replace". If "drop", all
replications/resamples yielding an inadmissible result will be dropped
(i.e. the number of results returned will potentially be less than .R
For "ignore" all results are returned even if all or some of the replications
yielded inadmissible results (i.e. number of results returned is equal to .R
For "replace" resampling continues until there are exactly .R
admissible solutions.
Depending on the frequency of inadmissible solutions this may significantly increase
computing time. Defaults to "drop".
A function or a (named) list of functions to apply to every
resample. The functions must take .object
as its first argument (e.g.,
myFun <- function(.object, ...) {body-of-the-function}
Function output should preferably be a (named)
vector but matrices are also accepted. However, the output will be
vectorized (columnwise) in this case. See the examples section for details.
Character string. The evaluation plan to use. One of "sequential", "multicore", or "multisession". In the two latter cases all available cores will be used. Defaults to "sequential".
Logical. Should .object be resampled even if it contains resamples
already?. Defaults to FALSE
Integer or NULL
. The random seed to use. Defaults to NULL
in which
case an arbitrary seed is chosen. Note that the scope of the seed is limited
to the body of the function it is used in. Hence, the global seed will
not be altered!
Character string. Which sign change option should be used to handle flipping signs when resampling? One of "none","individual", "individual_reestimate", "construct_reestimate". Defaults to "none".
Further arguments passed to functions supplied to .user_funs
The core structure is the same structure as that of .object
the following elements added:
: A list containing the .R
resamples and
the original estimates for each of the resampled quantities (Path_estimates,
Loading_estimates, Weight_estimates, user defined functions).
Each list element is a list containing elements
and $Original
. $Resamples
is a (.R x K)
matrix with each
row representing one resample for each of the K
contains the original estimates (vectorized by column if the output of
the user provided function is a matrix.
: A list containing additional information.
Use str(<.object>, list.len = 3)
on the resulting object for an overview.
Given M
resamples (for bootstrap M = .R
and for jackknife M = N
, where
is the number of observations) based on the data used to compute the
cSEMResults object provided via .object
, resamplecSEMResults()
essentially calls
on each resample using the arguments of the original call (ignoring any arguments
related to resampling) and returns estimates for each of a subset of
practically useful resampled parameters/statistics computed by csem()
Currently, the following estimates are computed and returned by default based
on each resample: Path estimates, Loading estimates, Weight estimates.
In practical application users may need to resample a specific statistic (e.g,
the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT) or differences between path
coefficients such as beta_1 - beta_2).
Such statistics may be provided by a function fun(.object, ...)
or a list of
such functions via the .user_funs
argument. The first argument of
these functions must always be .object
Internally, the function will be applied on each
resample to produce the desired statistic. Hence, arbitrary complicated statistics
may be resampled as long as the body of the function draws on elements contained
in the cSEMResults object only. Output of fun(.object, ...)
should preferably
be a (named) vector but matrices are also accepted.
However, the output will be vectorized (columnwise) in this case.
See the examples section for details.
Both resampling the original cSEMResults object (call it "first resample")
and resampling based on a resampled cSEMResults object (call it "second resample")
are supported. Choices for the former
are "bootstrap" and "jackknife". Resampling based on a resample is turned off
by default (.resample_method2 = "none"
) as this significantly
increases computation time (there are now M * M2
resamples to compute, where
is .R2
or N
Resamples of a resample are required, e.g., for the studentized confidence
interval computed by the infer()
function. Typically, bootstrap resamples
are used in this case (Davison and Hinkley 1997)
As csem()
accepts a single data set, a list of data sets as well as data sets
that contain a column name used to split the data into groups,
the cSEMResults object may contain multiple data sets.
In this case, resampling is done by data set or group. Note that depending
on the number of data sets/groups, the computation may be considerably
slower as resampling will be repeated for each data set/group. However, apart
from speed considerations users don not need to worry about the type of
input used to compute the cSEMResults object as resamplecSEMResults()
is able to deal with each case.
The number of bootstrap runs for the first and second run are given by .R
and .R2
The default is 499
for the first and 199
for the second run
but should be increased in real applications. See e.g.,
Hesterberg (2015)
, p.380,
Davison and Hinkley (1997)
, and
Efron and Hastie (2016)
for recommendations.
For jackknife .R
are .R2
are ignored.
Resampling may produce inadmissible results (as checked by verify()
By default these results are dropped however users may choose to "ignore"
or "replace"
inadmissible results in which resampling continuous until
the necessary number of admissible results is reached.
The cSEM package supports (multi)processing via the future
framework (Bengtsson 2018)
. Users may simply choose an evaluation plan
via .eval_plan
and the package takes care of all the complicated backend
issues. Currently, users may choose between standard single-core/single-session
evaluation ("sequential"
) and multiprocessing ("multisession"
or "multicore"
). The future package
provides other options (e.g., "cluster"
or "remote"
), however, they probably
will not be needed in the context of the cSEM package as simulations usually
do not require high-performance clusters. Depending on the operating system, the future
package will manage to distribute tasks to multiple R sessions (Windows)
or multiple cores. Note that multiprocessing is not necessary always faster
when only a "small" number of replications is required as the overhead of
initializing new sessions or distributing tasks to different cores
will not immediately be compensated by the availability of multiple sessions/cores.
Random number generation (RNG) uses the L'Ecuyer-CRMR RGN stream as implemented in the
future.apply package (Bengtsson 2018)
It is independent of the evaluation plan. Hence, setting e.g., .seed = 123
generate the same random number and replicates
for both .eval_plan = "sequential"
, .eval_plan = "multisession"
, and .eval_plan = "multicore"
See ?future_lapply for details.
Bengtsson H (2018).
future: Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone.
R package version 1.10.0,
Bengtsson H (2018).
future.apply: Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures.
R package version 1.0.1,
Davison AC, Hinkley DV (1997).
Bootstrap Methods and their Application.
Cambridge University Press.
Efron B, Hastie T (2016).
Computer Age Statistical Inference.
Cambridge University Pr.
ISBN 1107149894.
Hesterberg TC (2015).
“What Teachers Should Know About the Bootstrap: Resampling in the Undergraduate Statistics Curriculum.”
The American Statistician, 69(4), 371–386.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Note: example not run as resampling is time consuming
# ===========================================================================
# Basic usage
# ===========================================================================
model <- "
# Structural model
# Measurement model
EXPE =~ expe1 + expe2 + expe3 + expe4 + expe5
IMAG =~ imag1 + imag2 + imag3 + imag4 + imag5
LOY =~ loy1 + loy2 + loy3 + loy4
QUAL =~ qual1 + qual2 + qual3 + qual4 + qual5
SAT =~ sat1 + sat2 + sat3 + sat4
VAL =~ val1 + val2 + val3 + val4
## Estimate the model without resampling
a <- csem(satisfaction, model)
## Bootstrap and jackknife estimation
boot <- resamplecSEMResults(a)
jack <- resamplecSEMResults(a, .resample_method = "jackknife")
## Alternatively use .resample_method in csem()
boot_csem <- csem(satisfaction, model, .resample_method = "bootstrap")
jack_csem <- csem(satisfaction, model, .resample_method = "jackknife")
# ===========================================================================
# Extended usage
# ===========================================================================
### Double resampling ------------------------------------------------------
# The confidence intervals (e.g. the bias-corrected and accelearated CI)
# require double resampling. Use .resample_method2 for this.
boot1 <- resamplecSEMResults(
.object = a,
.resample_method = "bootstrap",
.R = 50,
.resample_method2 = "bootstrap",
.R2 = 20,
.seed = 1303
## Again, this is identical to using csem
boot1_csem <- csem(
.data = satisfaction,
.model = model,
.resample_method = "bootstrap",
.R = 50,
.resample_method2 = "bootstrap",
.R2 = 20,
.seed = 1303
identical(boot1, boot1_csem) # only true if .seed was set
### Inference ---------------------------------------------------------------
# To get inferencial quanitites such as the estimated standard error or
# the percentile confidence intervall for each resampled quantity use
# postestimation function infer()
inference <- infer(boot1)
# As usual summarize() can be called directly
# In the example above .R x .R2 = 50 x 20 = 1000. Multiprocessing will be
# faster on most systems here and is therefore recommended. Note that multiprocessing
# does not affect the random number generation
boot2 <- resamplecSEMResults(
.object = a,
.resample_method = "bootstrap",
.R = 50,
.resample_method2 = "bootstrap",
.R2 = 20,
.eval_plan = "multisession",
.seed = 1303
identical(boot1, boot2)} # }