.object = NULL,
.dependent = NULL,
.independent = NULL,
.moderator = NULL,
.n_steps = 100,
.values_moderator = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2),
.value_independent = 0,
.alpha = 0.05
An R object of class cSEMResults resulting from a call to csem()
Character string. The name of the dependent variable.
Character string. The name of the independent variable.
Character string. The name of the moderator variable.
Integer. A value giving the number of steps (the spotlights, i.e.,
values of .moderator in surface analysis or floodlight analysis)
between the minimum and maximum value of the moderator. Defaults to 100
A numeric vector. The values of the moderator in a
the simple effects analysis. Typically these are difference from the mean (=0)
measured in standard deviations. Defaults to c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2)
Integer. Only required for floodlight analysis; The value of the independent variable in case that it appears as a higher-order term.
An integer or a numeric vector of significance levels.
Defaults to 0.05
A list of class cSEMNonlinearEffects
with a corresponding method
for plot()
. See: plot.cSEMNonlinearEffects()
Calculate the expected value of the dependent variable conditional on the values of an independent variables and a moderator variable. All other variables in the model are assumed to be zero, i.e., they are fixed at their mean levels. Moreover, it produces the input for the floodlight analysis.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
model_Int <- "
# Measurement models
INV =~ INV1 + INV2 + INV3 +INV4
SAT =~ SAT1 + SAT2 + SAT3
INT =~ INT1 + INT2
# Structrual model containing an interaction term.
# Estimate model
out <- csem(.data = Switching, .model = model_Int,
# ADANCO settings
.PLS_weight_scheme_inner = 'factorial',
.tolerance = 1e-06,
.resample_method = 'bootstrap'
# Do nonlinear effects analysis
neffects <- doNonlinearEffectsAnalysis(out,
.dependent = 'INT',
.moderator = 'INV',
.independent = 'SAT')
# Get an overview
# Simple effects plot
plot(neffects, .plot_type = 'simpleeffects')
# Surface plot using plotly
plot(neffects, .plot_type = 'surface', .plot_package = 'plotly')
# Surface plot using persp
plot(neffects, .plot_type = 'surface', .plot_package = 'persp')
# Floodlight analysis
plot(neffects, .plot_type = 'floodlight')
} # }