# S3 method for class 'cSEMResults_default'
x = NULL,
.title = args_default()$.title,
.plot_significances = args_default()$.plot_significances,
.plot_correlations = args_default()$.plot_correlations,
.plot_structural_model_only = args_default()$.plot_structural_model_only,
.plot_labels = args_default()$.plot_labels,
.graph_attrs = args_default()$.graph_attrs,
An R object of class cSEMResults_default
Character string. Title of an object. Defaults to "".
Logical. Should p-values in the form of stars be plotted? Defaults to TRUE
Character string. Specify which correlations should be plotted, i.e.,
between the exogenous constructs (exo
), between the exogenous constructs and the indicators (all
or not at all (none
). Defaults to exo
Logical. Should only the structural model,
i.e., the constructs and their relationships be plotted? Defaults to FALSE
Logical. Whether to display edge labels and R² values in the nodes. Defaults to TRUE (i.e. original plot).
Character string. Additional attributes that should be passed to the DiagrammeR syntax, e.g., c("rankdir=LR", "ranksep=1.0"). Defaults to c("rankdir=LR").
Currently ignored.
Creates a plot of a cSEMResults
object using the grViz function.
For more details on customizing plot, see https://rpubs.com/nguyen_mot/1275413.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Common factor and composite models
OrgPres <~ cei1 + cei2 + cei3 + cei4 + cei5 + cei6 + cei7 + cei8
OrgIden =~ ma1 + ma2 + ma3 + ma4 + ma5 + ma6
AffJoy =~ orgcmt1 + orgcmt2 + orgcmt3 + orgcmt7
AffLove =~ orgcmt5 + orgcmt6 + orgcmt8
# Structural model
OrgIden ~ OrgPres
AffLove ~ OrgPres+OrgIden+OrgPres.OrgIden
AffJoy ~ OrgPres+OrgIden
outBergamiInt <- csem(.data = BergamiBagozzi2000,.model = model_Bergami_int,
.disattenuate = T,
.PLS_weight_scheme_inner = 'factorial',
.tolerance = 1e-6,
.resample_method = 'none')
outPlot <- plot(outBergamiInt)
} # }